Sunday, September 18, 2016

Dances for September 19, 2016 - Welcome Back!

Sorry about getting this out so late.

Video: Pelorus Jack

Video: Pelorus Jack

Pelorus Jack  (Jig)
RSCDS Book 41 – No. 1

1–4        1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off to second place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 – 4.

5–8        1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across to finish with 1st man facing his first corner and his partner behind him ready for a tandem reel.

9–12    1st couple, in tandem, dance a half reel with first corners as follows: 1st man, followed by his partner, passes right shoulder with 3rd woman then 1st couple each turn about by the right in corner position to change direction. 1st woman, followed by her partner, passes right shoulder with 2nd man to finish facing 1st man’s second corner (2nd woman).

13–16    1st couple, in tandem, dance a half reel with second corners as follows: 1st woman, followed by her partner, passes right shoulder with 2nd woman then 1st couple each turn about by the right in corner position to change direction. 1st man, followed by his partner, passes right shoulder with 3rd man to finish facing 1st woman’s first corner position (3rd woman).

17–20    1st couple, in tandem, dance a half reel with first corners as follows: 1st man, followed by his partner, passes right shoulders with 3rd woman then 1st couple each turn about by the right in corner position to change direction. 1st woman, followed by her partner, passes right shoulder with 2nd man to finish facing the 1st woman’s second corner position (2nd woman).

21–24    1st couple, in tandem, dance a half reel with second corners as follows: 1st woman, followed by her partner, passes right shoulder with 2nd woman then 1st couple each turn about by the right in corner position to change direction. 1st man, followed by his partner, passes right shoulder with 3rd man to finish in the middle of the set facing the women’s side.

25–32    2nd and 1st couples dance left hands across. 1st couple, retaining left hands, dance a half turn to finish in second place on their own side. 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, joining nearer hands, set.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Pelorus Jack (named after Pelorus Sound in Marlborough) was a famous dolphin who piloted ships through Cook Strait for some 24 years (from 1888 to 1912). Although protected by an Act of Parliament in 1904, the dolphin disappeared after four Norwegian whaling ships passed through the Strait.

Devised by Barry Skelton, New Zealand, 1993.

Tune:  Christian Catto (Copyright Deeay Music).
9–24    In each half reel the leading dancer dances beyond the corner position in order to loop together.

Video: Early Spring

Video: Early Spring
Note: the video shows a 4 couples version of the dance.

Early Spring (S3x32) 3C (3C set) I. Neves

1- 8    1M+2M+3M dance RSh round partners & 1s+2s+3s turn RH
9-16    1L+2L+3L dance LSh round partners & 1s+2s+3s turn LH ending LH joined facing up
17-24   1s+2s+3s dance Allemande
25-32   3s + 2s dance Tourbillon

Video: J. B. Milne

Video: J. B. Milne

J. B. Milne
32R 3C (4C Set)                                H. Foss RSCDS Guide to SCD
1–4         1st man and 2nd woman set, approaching, and turn by the right hand back to places.
5–8         1st woman and 2nd man do the same.
9–12         1st couple set to each other, approaching, and turn with both hands, the man letting go with his left hand first.
13–14       1st couple cast off into 2nd place (2nd move up),
15–16      And turn, as in Petronella, so that the man is between 3rd couple and woman between 2nd.
17–18       1st couple set to each other, while 2nd and  3rd women – and men – change places, giving right hands.
19–20       1st couple turn by the right hand three-quarters round to ‘wrong’ sides, 2nd place, while 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners
21–24       1st couple set to each other and turn three-quarters round by the right hand. Meanwhile 2nd and 3rd couples cross over, giving right hands to partners, then 2nd and 3rd women – and men – set to each other.
25–28       1st couple set to each other, facing up and down the dance, and change places, giving right hands, while 2nd and 3rd women – and men – change places, giving right hands, and set to partners.
29–30       Continuing, 1st woman casts off, and 1st man casts up, to 2nd place, own sides, while 2nd and 3rd couples cross over, giving right hands to partners
31–32       Taking hands at the sides, all three couples set to partners.

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