Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dances for April 27, 2015 - Glashan School

Bouncing Braids
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–8        1st couple cross, giving right hands, and cast off one place as 2nd couple step             up. 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple to finish facing first corners.

9–16    1st couple turn corners and partner to finish in second place on opposite sides, facing out.

17–22    1st couple cast to their left, man up, woman down, round second corner positions. They change places up and down the dance in the     middle, giving right hands, and cast to second place on own sides. Meanwhile, 2nd and 3rd couples cross, giving  right hands, and set, facing up             and down on the sidelines     (2nd man to 3rd man and 2nd woman to 3rd woman). They change places on the sidelines, giving left hands. On bar 18, 2nd woman and 3rd man make a long turn as do 2nd man and 3rd woman on bar 22.

23–24    All set to partners.       

25–32    3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance half rights and left on the diagonal, twice.

Repeat from new positions.

Devised by Brian Mortimer and presented to Carol Mortimer and Peter Schut on the occasion of their wedding, 21 May 1988.

The Devil’s Quandary by Bob McMurtry
40 bar Jig/Reel for 3 couples – May 2002

1–6        1st couple set, cross with right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 5 & 6.

7–8        1st couple turn three quarters, with the left hand, to face first corners.

9–16        1st couple dance the La Baratte with first corners. 1st couple stay facing out while corners stay facing in.

17–20    1st couple dance round second corners, passing left shoulders, and in the ends of the set, 1st man dancing between the 2nd couple and 1st woman through the 3rd couple. 1st couple end in the middle left shoulder to left shoulder, while first corners turn by the right hand for 4 bars and back to place.

21–24    1st couple turn by the left hand one and a half times to face second corner.

25–32    1st couple dance a La Baratte with second corners. 1st couple stay facing out while corners stay facing in.

33–36    1st man dances left round 2nd man into second place on own side, facing down, while 1st woman dances left round 3rd woman into second place own side facing up. Second corners turn by the right hand, once round, back to place but facing the 1st couple, as they arrive in second place.

37–40    1st man with 3rd man, 1st woman with 2nd woman, dance back to back on the sides

Repeat having passed a couple.

Dance Notes:  Corners use the full 4 bars for the turn in bars 17-20 and 33-36. 1st corners should utilize the vacated spot in second place to dance through to avoid running into 1st couple on bars 17-24. The turn for 1st couple on bars 21-24 should be quick. 1st couple slow down on bars 33-36. Second corners and 1st couple should flow into the back to back figure.

Music:  Jeannie o’ the Witchin E’e (jig) on Dances from the Collections of Mary MacNab, Volume 2 (CD) and The Bull Stane (reel) on Memories of Fife.

Notes:  Dedicated to the Stanford Class in their final year of dancing in the San Francisco Branch.

Additional Note:  On bars 25 &26 there should be a setting step before La Baratte.

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