Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dances for October 20, 2014

EH3 7AF   (Jig)
Book 40  –  No. 6

1–8        1st couple lead down the middle and up, finishing in the middle of the set. 2nd and 3rd couples step in on bar 8.

9–16    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples promenade. On bars 15–16, 1st couple cast off to second place, while 2nd couple dance up to first place and 3rd couple return to original place.

17–20    1st couple, passing each other by the right (without giving hands), cross to the opposite sides and turn first corners with right hand, to finish with 1st woman between 2nd couple facing down and 1st man between 3rd couple facing up.

21–24    1st couple pass each other by the right up and down the dance and turn second corners with the right hand. 1st couple finish in second place on opposite sides.

25–28    1st man dances right hands across with 2nd couple, while 1st woman dances right hands across with 3rd couple.

29–32    1st woman crosses up between 2nd couple and casts off on her own side to second place, while 1st man crosses down between 3rd couple and casts up on his own side to second place.

Repeat having passed a couple.

Devised by Roy Goldring, 1998, for Gill, June, Eileen and all the HQ staff.
Tune:    The Pentland Jig  (Copyright Bobby Crowe)
25-28    Ensure that the hands across are centred.

LINNEA’S STRATHSPEY  (S8x32)  3C (4C set)     RSCDS Bk 47
 1- 8    1s set & cast 1 place, 1s cross passing LSh & cast RSh round 1st corners into face them
 9-16    1s dance ‘Hello-Goodbye’ setting & end passing RSh to face out in 2nd place own sides
17-24    2s & 3s 3/4 turn RH into middle while 1s cast to right picking up 2L/3M who promenade 1/2 way clockwise as 2M+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times, 1s dance on to 2nd place own sides while 3s & 2s 3/4 turn RH
25-32    2s+1s+3s dance Allemande


Book 45.  No. 5

1–4        1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 - 4.

5–8        1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

9–12    1st couple set twice. On bars 11-12, 1st woman pulls back right shoulder to finish facing out.

13–16    1st woman casts up round 2nd man and dances down to finish between 3rd couple facing 3rd man while 1st man dances across the set and casts up round 2nd man to finish between 2nd couple facing 2nd man.

17–24    1st man dances a reel of three with 2nd couple passing 2nd man by the right shoulder to begin while 1st woman dances a reel of three with 3rd couple passing 3rd man by the right shoulder to begin.

25–28    1st  woman casts up round 3rd man and dances across the set to finish in second place on own side while 1st man dances down the middle and casts up round 3rd man to finish in second place on own side.

29–32    1st  couple turn with the right hand once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Romaine Butterfield, RSCDS New Zealand Branch and originally published by that branch in Island Bay Collection (1983). The dance was devised for Noeline O’Connor and Iain Boyd and the name refers to the fact that Iain courted Noeline for some time.

Tune:   The Navvie, Traditional
Bars 25-28    1st woman must lengthen her steps to reach 2nd place, own side, pulling back R shoulder to flow into bar 29.

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